LI Jiaying (李家营)

Senior SDE, Microsoft


Wechat: lijiayinghahaha

Curriculum Vitae

Currently, I am working for Saas team under Bing Platform in Microsoft.
Before that, I was a research scientist in SCIS, SMU (Singapore Management University),
a research fellow in ISTD, SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and Design).
I got my PhD degree from SUTD, and my Bachelor degree from Nankai University.

During my early academic exploration years, I had great honors to be supervised by Prof. Sun Jun (SUTD, Singapore, currently at SMU, Singapore).
I also had a wonderful experience when visiting Prof. Su Zhendong (UC Davis, US, currently at ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Education Background

Research Interests

Formal Verification, Machine Learning, Artifitial Intelligence

My primary research focuses on the correctness of software systems, including but not limited to
classic computer programs, smart contracts and artificial intelligence systems. I do try my best to develop elegent theories and techniques to make formal verification more precise, more efficient, more scalable and much easier to design, develop, debug, and apply.



Professional Services

Supervised/Co-supervised Students